The People’s House

2024 | Citizens’ assemblies

Across the world citizens’ assemblies are coming up with policies more effective than anything politicians do on their own. Over the past 20 years there have been over 200 citizen assembly-like processes across the UK creating better policy on tough issues such as climate, Brexit and social care. Politicians have however ignored the citizens’ recommendations, and we are all suffering the consequences. 52% of the UK population now want to see significant political systems change, and 63% think laws should be made by citizens assemblies not politicians. This is because it’s now obvious that the political systems that are supposed to protect us are harming us.

We’re working to build The People’s House - a powerful permanent citizens’ assembly for the UK. It would consist of two components: (i) a Core Assembly that anyone from the UK could be selected for and (ii) Community Assemblies that anyone could run or participate in.

The Core Assembly would consist of 500 citizens who would be selected by lottery and be an accurate demographic representation of the UK population. The People’s House would create change by giving everyone in the UK a voice on the issues that matter, activating people to create change, and demonstrating a new form of politics as a counterweight to the division that dominates the mainstream.


YEAR 2024 -

STATUS Ongoing.


People Powered Politicians | Ongoing


Platform to scale citizens' assemblies | Ongoing