People Powered Politicians

2023 | Leaders

People Powered Politicians is a movement of leaders at all levels of government who are putting people first. The goal is to build a new kind of politics not defined by left or right, but by a commitment to community-led change.

Together, we’re finding and working with people who see their role differently to most; not as a “representative” of the people, but as creating the conditions for people themselves to come together, find common ground, and lead the change. These are leaders standing with the vast majority of people who recognise the urgent need for genuine political reform, and bound together by a principle of putting people before parties. 

The project was borne from a belief that politics has been entrenched and divisive for too long. Working together with politicians, Iswe are helping them to hold Citizens’ Assemblies to make collective decisions on divisive issues, advocating for the devolution of power to communities, and buying local assets to create power and opportunities in their local areas. The goal is to build resilient communities that have the energy, power and tools to solve problems themselves. 

We’re currently working to get more people-powered leaders to get elected, supporting those that already are to develop their skills, and creating new tools to support all of these politicians to fulfill their commitments and generate change.


YEAR 2023 -

STATUS Ongoing.

TEAM Myra Stewart, Fiona Barrows, Carla Collenette.



People's House | Ongoing