
To achieve change we believe you have to look at the whole system. We are working with governments, institutions and citizens towards these priorities:

  • Establish a permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly that can address humanity’s greatest challenges.

  • Develop an online platform to support local citizens’ assemblies, globally.

  • Build support for political systems change through research, communications and ecosystem building.

Current projects

Coalition for a permanent Global Assembly

We are building a powerful coalition in support of a permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly to address humanity’s greatest challenges.

Good Help UK

Good Help is a UK movement that transforms services and communities in the UK. It was launched in 2017 with support from Nesta, The National Lottery Community Fund, and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Climate Week & Summit of the Future 2024 , New York

Find out where you can connect with us, 22-29 September, including our launch of the Global Citizens’ Assembly for People and Planet.

Online platform to support community deliberation

Iswe Foundation is developing an online platform to support communities worldwide run grassroots assemblies, with local and global impact.

Global Citizens’ Assembly Network (GloCAN)

Iswe Foundation has supported GloCAN to produce eight technical papers and an ongoing partnership explores the ways in which the governance framework of future global assemblies can be structured.

Past projects

The Convention of The Future Armenian, 2023

With Iswe as advisors and observers, The Future Armenian initiative brought 200 nationals and diaspora to Armenia’s capital, Yerevan, to deliberate on the country’s shared common future.

The Global Assembly for COP26, 2021

Iswe Foundation co-created the world’s first global citizens’ assembly on climate for COP26. We worked alongside 170 organizations in over 50 countries and were supported by the UN, UNFCCC, COP26 hosts and many more.

Conference: Adding Humanity’s Voice to World Politics, 2024

Iswe Foundation and Oxford University brought together more than 150 change-makers to explore how a permanent global citizens’ assembly could address challenges related to climate, health and AI.