Coalition for a Global Citizens’ Assembly

We are building a coalition of organisations and governments supporting the establishment of  a permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly, to address humanity’s greatest challenges.

The Coalition for a Global Citizens’ Assembly brings together diverse organisations who believe that a permanent global citizens’ assembly would radically strengthen global governance: accelerating action on the biggest challenges facing humanity and generating solidarity.

In the run up to COP30 the Coalition will be working to enhance the impact of a Global Citizens’ Assembly for People and Planet — an initiative led by Iswe Foundation and partners, to shape COP30 and lay the foundations for a permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly.

Coalition Launch at Climate Week 2024, New York

On Monday 23 September, against the backdrop of the UN Summit of the Future, the Climate Emergency Collaboration Group and Iswe Foundation, supported by the Government of Brazil and Wellcome Trust, will be officially launching the Coalition for a Global Citizens’ Assembly and the Global Citizens’ Assembly for People and Planet. Find out about this and more opportunities to connect with us at Climate Week 2024.

Challenge paper

The Coalition for a Global Citizens’ Assembly was initiated in response to a challenge paper, co-authored by the United Nations Foundation, Iswe Foundation, Plataforma Cipó, Blue Smoke and Southern Voice , which argued that the UN Summit of the Future in September 2024 should be used to establish “innovative, structural, and sustainable mechanisms that provide a legitimate voice for citizens in global governance”, such as a permanent global citizens’ assembly.