Community Assembly Platform

Members of a community assembly in Bejing, China, run in 2021 for the Global Assembly for COP26

We believe that by supporting more and better citizen-led deliberative assemblies to flourish we can help communities be better equipped to meet the challenges they face.

We are working with global partners to develop an online platform that will support people all over the world to design and run affordable, high-impact local assemblies on the issues that matter to them. We are also exploring the potential for community assemblies to enable massive public participation in a Global Citizens’ Assembly.

Vision - A world of resilient local communities that have the tools and confidence to make fair, effective decisions, through community assemblies that facilitate learning, build solidarity and have clear pathways to local and global action

Aims 2024-2025

During this research and development phase we are exploring how a digital platform could: 

  1. Enable diverse communities to run assemblies that generate learning, solidarity and action

  2. Support post-assembly impact at a local level

  3. Consolidate and visualise data from assemblies which can be used to advocate for better policy outcomes at a global level

  4. Connect local assemblies to each other and a global citizens’ assembly

COP30 Pilot

We will publish the platform in early 2025, alongside a campaign to inspire communities to run assemblies for ‘people and planet’ in the run up to COP30 in Brazil in November 2025. 

The platform will guide users step by step: including building their organising team, presenting learning materials, creating an event agenda and using data and storytelling to achieve the outcomes they want.

It is our hope that this data will surface a rich picture of the future that global citizens want - and enable Coalition members, and others, to advocate for better outcomes at COP30 - and make the case for a permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly for People and Planet.

Grow the global community

We need organisations and movements all over the world to invite their networks to run and join community assemblies.

Join the Coalition for a Global Citizens’ Assembly to find out how you can build the global community.